Kathy Fessler

Kids and Pesticides

Our partner PPAN is sharing what we need to know when we are planning for yard work.   http://peopleandpollinators.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Child-Friendly-Lawns_fact-sheet-4June13final.pdf Child Friendly Lawns Fact Sheet To find out more about how you can be greener and

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They’re everywhere. In the grass, under your porch or shed, eating your garden and being chased by your dog. Wascally wabbits are a ubiquitous sight around Cherry Hills and Metro Denver. But what are these

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Owl Moon

Owl Moon Have you ever read Owl Moon by Jane Yolen to your owlets? It’s an adorable story of a father taking his daughter out owling one winter night… If you want to hear the story before

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Who else loves hummingbirds? (All of you should be saying “me!”) Like tiny, feathered, emerald jets but with about 1000 times the personality, these adorable little critters are fixtures of summer in Colorado. It’s hard

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