2 New Bee Colonies at Quincy Farm!

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Master Beekeeper Joe Komperda brought in two additional honeybee colonies, increasing our community bee sanctuary to four hives! The new bees have been busily acclimating to their new environment and will begin to quiet down and stick close to the hive in the coming weeks as temperatures drop. In wintertime, each colony will gather tightly inside their hive and continue to vibrate, or buzz, just enough to keep warm. Joe will regularly check on the health of the hives through the coming months, and we will look forward to inviting you again next spring to see them in action. Be sure to check back for beekeeping opportunities and beehive tours at Quincy Farm with Cherry Hills Land Preserve in 2022!

If you would like to contribute to the care, keeping, feeding, or growth of our community bee sanctuary at Quincy Farm, please contact kathy@cherryhillslandpreserve.org.

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